We advise you on whatever is needed to make your rally and regularity tests sporty and fun.
We listen to your wishes and we put all our know-how and experience at the service of your rally.
You get freedom and calm in the sporting part of the event. You delegate responsibility, reduce stress and achieve positive collaboration.
You will be able to make your ideas flow in new sports tests from the world of classics and regularity and receiving clear and direct advice on how to make it possible.
You will avoid technical claims during the rally. You will have an awards presentation with honor for whoever gets to the podium and healthy rivalry for whoever wants to get up there.
With well-done, precise and friendly timing you will ensure that the participants enjoy the rally 100%, breathe the sporting spirit and experience conviviality with their opponents.
Blunik a transformé les rallies de régularité, marquant un avant et un après. Avant, les résultats étaient trop souvent remis en question, générant des plaintes, une atmosphère négative et des doutes sur les résultats futurs.
Après, grâce à Blunik, la remise des résultats est devenue un moment de calme et de clarté, permettant à chaque participant de voir en détail ses temps avec précision, y compris les avances ou retards par rapport au temps idéal et les moments spécifiques de perte de temps.
De plus, Josep Carreras et sa fille Esther, qui a brillamment repris l'entreprise, cherchent toujours à innover pour offrir encore plus de clarté aux organisateurs comme aux concurrents. Longue vie à Blunik !
Ho utilizzato la struttura di Blunik in due eventi che non si allineavano esattamente con il lavoro classico di cronometraggio delle competizioni, entrambi tentativi di record di 24 ore con scooter nei circuiti di Zuera e Terramar.
Blunik ha sviluppato un software che rispettava le rigorose linee guida del Guinness World Records, permettendo di controllare costantemente il vantaggio o il ritardo rispetto al record da battere.
Uno degli aspetti che ho apprezzato di più è stata la disponibilità di Gerard ed Esther, che non solo hanno svolto il loro lavoro con la massima professionalità e precisione, ma hanno anche contribuito al lavoro del team nei momenti di bisogno.
Grazie ancora per questa opportunità. Cordiali saluti.
ACP Motorsport organiza el Rally Histórico de Portugal, una exigente prueba de regularidad de 2.000 km y 42 tramos en 4 días, que atrae a los mejores pilotos y copilotos del deporte.
Inicialmente, encontramos problemas con diversos sistemas de control en carretera. Después de varios intentos con esos sistemas, en 2011 encontramos con Blunik la colaboración adecuada, que desde entonces nunca nos ha fallado.
El sistema no tiene margen de error, a diferencia del GPS, no depende de factores humanos y permite una lectura exacta de lo que sucede en los tramos.
La colaboración con el fundador de Blunik, Josep Maria Carreras, fue crucial y desde 2012 expandieron su uso a todos los rallyes de ACP Clásicos, garantizando siempre la precisión en las clasificaciones.
Actualmente, organizamos cinco pruebas de regularidad, cuya notoriedad se debe en gran parte al sistema Blunik. Con un equipo eficiente y organizado, Blunik presenta mejoras anuales que refuerzan su credibilidad.
We advise you on whatever is needed to make your rally and regularity tests sporty and fun.
We listen to your wishes and we put all our know-how and experience at the service of your rally.
We come with technical and experienced people so that they can solve the timing in an agile and professional way.
Comprehensive timing service.
Turnkey timing.
We offer rental of timing devices so that your team can carry out timing independently.
Or a mix, where we unite teams of people from Blunik and the organization and create synergies, reduce travel costs for people and make new friends.
We work throughout Europe, Catalonia, Spain, France, Andorra, Portugal since 2010. And since 2018 we have collaborators established in Italy, Belgium and Germany that united to the Online communications and timing data to the cloud mean we can provide service throughout Europe.
You have more technical information here, and some of our references here.
We also offer positioning and geotracking service for regularity rallies. We provide tracking-GPS devices, we configure the software to what direction race has live visualization of the cars on the Google Earth platform.
The GPS tracking tools can offer a very complete security service for the organizer, so that at any time you can see the status of all the participants, the speed at which they circulate, their position, etc. that will allow you to make career management decisions.