COPY/ LEARN Mode to copy stages
For Blunik II and Blunik II PLUS
“Copy ZR”, “Trace a ZR”, are regularity tests that are held at regularity rallies in Spain and Catalonia.
To do this, we will have to do a first pass of the stage in TIME LEARN mode (Le), then when we want to repeat the stage we'll do it in the TIME COPY mode (Co).
Note: In LEARN mode we take in acount that we can do the ZR in the speed we want, and no penalies will be applied. You have to look closely at the regulations, some times are diffents rules.
For the first pass you can do a stage from 40 to 45 (42 for example) in TIME LEARN mode.
To copy the stages we will only use sectors form ST40 to ST45. Sectors from ST40 to ST44 have each a 20 minute capacity, while sector ST45 has a capacity of up to 120 minutes.
In any case, if we run out of time in ST40, the Blunik will not stop, it will consume memory of the next sector (ST41) and will continue to do this subsequently.
To program the stages to copy (first pass), we'll do as follows:
- The first pass (or reference pass) we need to use LEARN Mode.
- From the screen with the + and – keys we'll choose a stage to program (ST42 as example).
- We'll press STAGE to enter the stage edition.
- With the +, - and arrow keys we'll set the starting time and the total time of the stage.
- We'll press MODE until we're in TIME LEARN (Le).
- We'll press ENTER to quit.
The procedure to start the stage is the same as for any other stage:
Attention! Stages 40 to 45 don't have the synchronized start function so you have to press START exactly at the starting time in the start line. This is so to be able to use this function to copy laps in a circuit.
- We'll press STAGE to access the stage followed by START at the begining of the stage.
- We'll press FINISH at the end of the stage.
To program the stage to copy (the second or later passes) the procedure will be:
- With the + and – keys we'll choose the stage we have registered in Learn mode (ST42).
- We'll press STAGE to access the stage edition.
- We'll press MODE until we see TIME COPY “Co”.
- We'll press ENTER to quit.
Attention! Stages 40 to 45 don't have the synchronized start function so you have to press START exactly at the starting time in the start line. This is so to be able to use this function to copy laps in a circuit.
During the passes to copy the Blunik will show us the difference in meters or seconds of the passing times memorized when you did in Learn Mode.
- We'll press FINISH when the stage is over.
Now you know a little more about your Blunik and of the copy stage function. For more information you can always consult the instruction manual, both of the Blunik II or of the Blunik II Plus.
Pages 15-16 of the Blunik II manual and on pages 39-40 of the Blunik II Plus manual.